Helm repo for RMLAB ACI Operator

This is the Helm repo for the RMLAB Cisco ACI Kubernetes operator.

You can find the code here
GitHub page here

Disclaimer: This is NOT an official Cisco application and comes with absolute NO WARRANTY!
Please check the LICENSE for further information.


Install Helm client and add the repo

helm repo add rmlab-aci-operator https://rtortori.github.io/rmlab-aci-operator-helm/

Install the operator

Kubernetes install:

helm install aci-op rmlab-aci-operator/latest

Openshift install

helm install aci-op rmlab-aci-operator/latest --set global.containerPlatform=openshift


The operator gives the option to customize the installation and alter the behavior.

To list the default values

helm show values rmlab-aci-operator/latest

The following table describes each option

Key Description
global.containerPlatform The container platform you are using. Specifying ‘openshift’, each CR will create by default a project instead of a namespace (you can still override in the CR creation). Also, the controller will deploy in the ‘aci-containers-system’ namespace. Any other value will default to ‘kubernetes’
global.kubeCreateResource COSMETIC. What the CR will create when running on Kubernetes. This is just used in the post install notification and will not affect the operator behavior
global.openshiftCreateResource COSMETIC. What the CR will create when running on Openshift. This is just used in the post install notification and will not affect the operator behavior
aciCNI.kubeNamespace The namespace used by the ACI CNI in Kubernetes. Defaults to ‘kube-system’
aciCNI.openshiftNamespace The namespace used by the ACI CNI in Openshift. Defaults to ‘aci-containers-system’
aciCNI.configMaps.aciContainersConfigMap The ACI CNI configMap name. Defaults to ‘aci-containers-config’
aciCNI.secrets.aciUserCertSecret The ACI CNI Cert secret name. Defaults to ‘aci-user-cert’
controller.replicaCount How many pods the controller will spin up
controller.labels.name The ‘name’ label in the controller deployment
controller.image.repository The image for the controller (with no tags)
controller.image.pullPolicy The pull policy for the controller image
controller.image.tag The tag for the controller image
crd.names.shortName A short name to call AciNamespace. It defaults to ‘aci’. In this case you can issue ‘kubectl get aci’ to fetch the AciNamespaces configured
crd.additionalPrinterColumns.epgContractMasterDef COSMETIC. The EPG Master contract column name for the ‘kubectl get acinamespaces’ command output
crd.additionalPrinterColumns.bridgeDomainDef COSMETIC. The ACI Bridge Domain column name for the ‘kubectl get acinamespaces’ command output
crd.additionalPrinterColumns.masterEPGConsumerContractsDef COSMETIC. The consumer contracts for master EPG column name for the ‘kubectl get acinamespaces’ command output
crd.additionalPrinterColumns.masterEPGProviderContractsDef COSMETIC. The provider contracts for master EPG column name for the ‘kubectl get acinamespaces’ command output
crd.additionalPrinterColumns.aciNsEPGConsumerContractsDef COSMETIC. The consumer contracts column name for the ‘kubectl get acinamespaces’ command output
crd.additionalPrinterColumns.aciNsEPGProviderContractsDef COSMETIC. The provider contracts column name for the ‘kubectl get acinamespaces’ command output
crd.additionalPrinterColumns.operatorManaged COSMETIC. The column name that describes if the operator is managing resources or not, for the ‘kubectl get acinamespaces’ command output
crd.specs.aciDefaultApplicationProfileName The default ACI Application Profile (you can still override in the CR definition)
crd.specs.aciDefaultBridgeDomainName The default ACI Bridge Domain (you can still override in the CR definition)
crd.cleanupImage When you uninstall the operator, a job will cleanup the AciNamespaces before removing the rest. This is the image used by this job
serviceAccount.name The operator creates a dedicated serviceaccount for the controller, this is the name of the serviceaccount